DIVEVOLK SeaTouch 4 MAX 水下进阶微距套件,适用于苹果和大多数安卓手机,微距摄影防水壳

促销价格$999.00 USD

进阶微距套件助您提升水下摄影,专为想精准捕捉海洋生物细节的摄影师设计。套件含 +18 屈光度的高质量微距镜头,光学镀膜玻璃材质,能清晰呈现水下细微奇观。配备可调柔性臂,可精准定位照明。含 2000 流明的 DIVEVOLK SL20 水下视频灯,束光筒可将光线聚成束,突出主体,还能营造黑色背景,增强对比度和层次感。进阶微距套件是捕捉水下美景的理想之选,帮摄影师在任何水下环境中创作出令人印象深刻的微距作品。

型号: 支持苹果16系列



• 高品质微距镜头 Pro +18 屈光度,能够提供卓越的清晰度和细节,精准捕捉复杂的海洋生物。
• 可调节的蛇形臂,能够精确地定位光线,在微距摄影中确保主体得到最佳照明。
• 配备 SL20 水下视频灯,提供 2000 流明的亮度,有效照亮水下场景。
• 束光筒将光线投射成聚焦的光束,使您能够突出主体,并通过营造出戏剧性的黑色背景效果来增强对比度。
• 对于专业摄影师来说,这是探索和记录水下环境隐藏之美的完美工具,提供了在艺术上精确创作所需的工具。

• 高品质微距镜头 Pro +18 屈光度,能够提供卓越的清晰度和细节,精准捕捉复杂的海洋生物。
• 可调节的蛇形臂,能够精确地定位光线,在微距摄影中确保主体得到最佳照明。
• 配备 SL20 水下视频灯,提供 2000 流明的亮度,有效照亮水下场景。
• 束光筒将光线投射成聚焦的光束,使您能够突出主体,并通过营造出戏剧性的黑色背景效果来增强对比度。
• 对于专业摄影师来说,这是探索和记录水下环境隐藏之美的完美工具,提供了在艺术上精确创作所需的工具。

All-in-one diving assistant

Featuring patented underwater touchscreen technology for your Android smartphone and iPhone as a perfect diving case, you can enjoy unrestricted access to any app, enhancing your creative potential.

Real Underwater Touchscreen

60m Waterproof

Button-free Design

Emergency Contact


Unleash Your Creativity

Featuring patented underwater touchscreen technology for your Android smartphone and iPhone as a perfect diving case, you can enjoy unrestricted access to any any of your favorite third-party photography app, utilizing all camera functions for capturing dynamic pictures, videos enhancing your creative potential.

Instantly upload and share your experiences at any time, thanks to its comprehensive touch-access compatibility.


Escort Your Dive Trip

The extremely safe multi-layer gasket sealing design ensures the waterproofness,  moisture ingress stopped by allowing full operation without removing your phone.

The housing offers seamless access to your phone’s mobile call on surface and built-in compass, functioning emergency phone call and navigation.


Bring It to Any Watersports

This innovative iPhone and Android dive housing ensures protection while allowing you to capture incredible videos and photos during activities like surfing, diving, snorkeling, skiing, and kayaking. Abundant accessories equip the the camera from entry-level to professional, making the most of your outdoor experiences with the ultimate  underwater housing solution.


Unleash Your Creativity

Featuring patented underwater touchscreen technology for your Android smartphone and iPhone as a perfect diving case, you can enjoy unrestricted access to any any of your favorite third-party photography app, utilizing all camera functions for capturing dynamic pictures, videos enhancing your creative potential.

Instantly upload and share your experiences at any time, thanks to its comprehensive touch-access compatibility.


Escort Your Dive Trip

The extremely safe multi-layer gasket sealing design ensures the waterproofness,  moisture ingress stopped by allowing full operation without removing your phone.

The housing offers seamless access to your phone’s mobile call on surface and built-in compass, functioning emergency phone call and navigation.


Bring It to Any Watersports

This innovative iPhone and Android dive housing ensures protection while allowing you to capture incredible videos and photos during activities like surfing, diving, snorkeling, skiing, and kayaking. Abundant accessories equip the the camera from entry-level to professional, making the most of your outdoor experiences with the ultimate  underwater housing solution.

Why our product is better?

Compare our Model or Features


SeaTouch 4 Max

Button-operated Housing

Bluetooth connected Housing

Access to all phone functions

Only camera

Only camera

Access to all native camera functions

Limited function

Limited function

Switch to ultra-wide angle, telephoto camera function.
Free to select focus anywhere by tapping the screen
Quick EV adjustment