Filtro rosso e filtro magenta, filettatura da 67 mm, profondità di utilizzo consigliata 5-25 m, accessori per fotografia subacquea per la correzione del colore

Prezzo di vendita$22.00 USD

When sunlight penetrates the water's surface, it undergoes a spectral transformation, with warmer color wavelengths gradually diminishing and fading at increasing depths. As a result, underwater photos and videos often appear dominated by bluish and green hues, detracting from the true vibrancy of the marine environment. To combat this challenge, color filters—specifically red and magenta filters—are essential tools for underwater photographers. The red filter effectively restores warmth to your shots by compensating for the loss of red wavelengths, enhancing the color accuracy of coral reefs and marine life. In contrast, the magenta filter is particularly useful in greenish waters, helping to balance color tones and simulate the natural hues that are often lost. Utilizing these filters enables photographers to capture the breathtaking beauty of underwater scenes with greater clarity and realism, creating vivid images that reflect the true colors of the ocean.

Colore: Red
  • Install on 67 mm lens adapter directly
  • Suggested depth of use: 5-25 metes
  • The wide-angle lens could be attached on the filter as a combination
  • Red filter is for sea water
  • Magenta filter id for freshwater
  • Install on 67 mm lens adapter directly
  • Suggested depth of use: 5-25 metes
  • The wide-angle lens could be attached on the filter as a combination
  • Red filter is for sea water
  • Magenta filter id for freshwater

Custodia subacquea per touchscreen DIVEVOLK

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Immergiti nei misteri delle profondità e cattura le meraviglie della luce. La nostra custodia subacquea SeaTouch 4 Max porta chiarezza nel tuo mondo sottomarino, rendendo ogni immersione un viaggio indimenticabile di luci e ombre. Illumina le tue avventure e registra ogni momento brillante.